Кошелек Mt. Gox переводит 6 800 BTC, поскольку бывший генеральный директор планирует перераспределить $6B

A cold wallet belonging to the infamous Bitcoin (BTC) exchange Mt. Gox transferred 6,800 BTC to an unknown wallet just days after the former CEO Mark Karpeles revealed plans to redistribute BTC worth $6 billion to its creditors.

Mt. Gox was a Tokyo-based Bitcoin exchange that shut down in Feb. 2014 after a hack that compromised 850,000 BTC. In a recent interview, Karpeles disclosed that the exchange had roughly 200,000 BTC in possession during the company’s closure, out of which the trustee sold roughly 50,000 BTC for $600 million in the past.

According to Karpeles, the remaining 150,000 BTC currently held by Mt. Gox has grown in value over the years — and is worth over $6 billion. After this revelation, the former CEO confirmed plans to redistribute the money and settle scores with the creditors.


6,800 #BTC (318,980,017 USD) transferred from #MtGox Cold Wallet to unknown wallet Whale Alert (@whale_alert) April 1, 2022

End of Quote.

Five days after Karpeles’ interview, Crypto Twitter’s @whale-alert highlighted that 6,800 BTC, worth nearly $319 million, were transferred to an unknown wallet from a cold wallet belonging to the now-defunct Mt. Gox exchange.

Details about the 6,800 BTC transfer between Mt. Gox and unknown wallet. Source: WhaleAlert

Despite being non-operational for over 8 years, the Mt. Gox team has previously shared a rehabilitation plan to compensate creditors. However, the 6,800 BTC transfer signals a possible commencement of the plan.

While crypto businesses continue to adopt various security measures to fend off attacks, bad actors have kept up with the change to lure in unwary investors.


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— Rare Bears (@BearsRare) 17 марта 2022 г.

18 марта недавно запущенный проект по выпуску неиграбельных токенов (NFT) Rare Bears подтвердил успешную фишинговую атаку, в результате которой было потеряно около 800 000 долларов США в NFT.

Как сообщает Cointelegraph, хакеру удалось взломать аккаунт модератора в Discord и разместить фишинговые ссылки, которые в итоге опустошили кошельки пользователей. Команда Rare Bears в итоге смогла удалить взломанный аккаунт и защитить сервер от дальнейших атак.
